Hi. I'm Elizabeth Odhiambo.A Software Developer.

I bring a unique blend of creativity and technical expertise to software development, resulting in applications that are both beautiful and functional.

About Me

Embarking on this exciting journey into the world of computers and software was sparked by my high school curiosity, a time when the magic behind websites and applications captivated my imagination. Fast forward to 2021, I eagerly enrolled at Zetech University in Nairobi, Kenya, to pursue a Diploma in Computer Science. Graduating in November 2023 marked the culmination of a challenging and rewarding chapter.

Fueling my passion, I've delved into side projects, serving as both playgrounds for exploration and laboratories for honing my skills. I find joy in the endless possibilities that coding offers, always motivated to unravel new challenges and learn something new.

While my journey began with crafting front-end web applications, I've set sail into the exciting realm of backend development, embracing the full spectrum of building robust and seamless digital experiences.




Libraries & Frameworks

ReactNext.jsNode.jsExpress.jsDjangoTailwind CSSMaterialUIFramer Motion

Other Technologies

Git & GithubMongoDBMySQLPostmanRESTful APIsJest




TypeScriptReactNext.jsTailwind CSSTMDB API


TypeScriptReactViteTailwind CSSSpoonacular APIFramer Motion
Photography Portfolio

Photography Portfolio

TypeScriptNext.jsTailwind CSSSwiper
Simple Coffee Listing

Simple Coffee Listing

ReactTypeScriptTailwind CSS